piątek, 18 lutego 2022

161AT/PVC1 -The Polish Voivodeships Award 2022


Normal freq. range on 27 MHz (11M)
Please keep other frequencies free. Let's don't disturb others.
Participants: all the operators (AT group and not AT) worked only with 161AT's members.

Exchange: RS + Prog. number from 001 TX and RX.
1 QSO = 1 point
To receive The Polish Voivodeships Award is needed 8 voivodeships.

The best three operators will be awarded with special Trophy.
If a few operators achieve the same number of points , will decide the number of Polish Radio Regions worked.
The region is worked if all voivodeships from this region are worked.
After the contest send your log to the contest manager. No later than 28.10.2022

Rules and Log  >>>>

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